Nonlinear Detection System

Product categories of Nonlinear Detection System, we are specialized manufacturers from China, Metatron Hunter 4025Metapathia Gr Hunter 4025 suppliers/factory, wholesale high-quality products of Metatron 4025 Nls R & D and manufacturing, we have the perfect after-sales service and technical support. Look forward to your cooperation!

China Nonlinear Detection System Suppliers

Metatron Hunter 4025:

Description and Field of Application

The Metapathia-GR Hunter software can operate only with the telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing apparatus “Metatron” and its subsequent modifications. The telemetric nonlinear analysis data processing device is compatible with the IBM-type PCs and intended for studying reaction of a biological object to different types of the informational impact. “Metatron” allows correlating the measurement process with the process affecting it and performs the following.


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